A Wall of Enigmas: Yesterday, Space, Now An Analysis of Ying Tianqi,s Artworks(selection)
Cui Cancan
Whether it is Ying,s “Leftovers of Huizhou” (Wood Sculptures Series), or “Ancient Rome” (Pompeii and Rome), or the no-one-knows-from-when-and-where walls and wood grain (like Exposure to Light, Laozi and Zhuangzi, and Asking Dao), they are all the problems of time and space that haunt Ying. The time here not only refers to the vanishing of time and tide, but also implies the evolution and development of human civilization in terms of spirit. The space here is not only the object and its surroundings either; it is also intertwined with such questions as what is an object, what is existence, and what is reality, etc. Take Rome for example. In history, the construction of real city buildings and of metaphysical Roman spirit continued, but frequently subjected to breach by time and as such mystified, sometimes illuminating, sometimes illusory. The painting reflects the real and observable relics of buildings on the one hand, yet it is beyond its capacity to restore all the original buildings and the Roman spirit on the other; it is real existence in terms of materials, but it also falls prey to the viewer,s perspective and his or her historical sentiments. We cannot help asking: Is today,s existence really believable? People doubt that one can discover the new continent with an old map. But when the new continent is found, what is left out from the old world? We can say that such complicated questions are available in Ying,s works. What is the relation between a stretch of brand-new wall surface and the wall body ripped off by time? And what is the relationship between the original rifts of a wood grain and the author,s deliberately deepened ones? In Ying,s works The Vanishing Tale and Amnesia, it seems that yesterday and today meet in a flash, but as a result a huge price is paid; the world and sceneries that once were tangible become too remote to be touchable, with only a stretch of broken wall left behind for meditation and reminiscing.
In many of Ying,s recent works we can always see a beam of light coming from we don,t know where. This kind of light is more like a kind of time, a kind of memory, and a kind of now that is to go afar. It is like a poet, who explores the relations of all things in chaos, and finds there in a sudden the truth and eternity of life. Light spreads over all visible things but it will have to be narrowed to a focus when we need it to optimize the energy of life. For instance, in works Crack and Exposure to Light, Ying, by seeking and picking from the scattered state, manages to find a beam of light to break the darkness. This light serves as the guide to one,s relief and freedom after the darkness is torn up. Indeed, most of the time, the author,s depiction of light embodies a kind of anticipation and a kind of restlessness towards the reality. In other words, the light in Ying,s works is like a sound that is about to go afar and meanwhile constantly heralds the possibility of cracks in the large areas of blackness. And this kind of cracks is mostly pointed to our present situation. Because we find that, when we try to approach the reality, approach the “living present”, the more and the longer we cover, the farther we are away from the “Comtemporay era” we want. So, the meaning of the objects created by Ying is not limited to just a kind of simple representation, but rather, by borrowing the “existence” from reality, a way via which to trace the past drowned in history.
In the work Bamboo Curtain, the author uses a real bamboo curtain as the material for the creation. What is fun is more than the real bamboo curtain as the material; the decision to include it is a considered idea. Because Ying, after embedding the weathered and worn bamboo curtain in the picture, continues to work on it with brush and pigment to deepen the parts of folds and shades so it looks more uneven and rough. After so doing, the two-dimensional image is interwoven with the three-dimensional real thing, so much so that they are hard to distinguish and the viewer has to touch it to find out whether the bamboo curtain in the picture is a real thing or not. On the right upper top of the picture is another case of employing real stuff: the collage of four real metal plates in different sizes, which constitute the structural form with visual impact and sensory appeal. Thus, the smooth surface of the metal plates generates a sharp contrast as against the uneven roughness of the bamboo curtain. On the far left is the black, which, in its neatly painted manner, echoes the neatness of the metal. One is painted neatness, the other manufactured neatness, so the two constitutes more than a visual relation, to a large extent it is the collision of manual painting and mass manufacture. However, the large areas of wall surface in the picture are born of the artist,s incessant hard work at the minute details. All these consequently produce the highly interesting inter-generative relationship between visual sense and the real material.
In the work Woodcarving Sculpture Purple Air, a piece of real wood sculpture emerges in the middle of the picture, on either side being large areas of even-segmented black blocks. Behind the ancient wood sculpture is a piece of white, level and smooth vertical line body as a foil in the background. This segmentation relationship also divides the ancient wood sculpture into two pieces, resulting in a seeming fracture. Centrifugally speaking, the tension from the outward movement of the black blocks on two sides leads to the break of the wood sculpture. This break is not just a genetic existence; it also casts light on the break-up caused by the opposing and contradictory relationship of material. In this 2009 work, Ying,s embedding of a piece of real wood sculpture from Ming or Qing Dynasty is by nature a reproduction across time and space, a redefinition of meaning and relation, where existence in the sense of space and existence in the sense of time also broken, with their borders and interface blurred.
In the work Wooden Wall NO.1, Ying employs veneers to help create the work. After the gluing, he works on the depth of the grains and the burls on the veneers to enhance the expressivity of the original grains. Yet this is by no means a simplistic realism or re-presentation, but rather, a digging deeper of an object,s authenticity? Or a painting-generated authenticity? From this perspective, the grains should not be taken just a form, but rather as a concept, as an analysis of relation between the real existence of the object itself and its virtual existence in spiritual manipulation. Ying also makes a small rectangular hollow with a tool in the original board so the real existence of the object itself is again deconstructed. When the existence and authenticity are physical and meanwhile manipulated by the author, material, authenticity, and existence are complexly interlaced and this constitutes one of the things that Ying finds of great interest. In a similar work Wooden Wall NO.2, the artist, on the one hand, many times deconstructs the real meaning, and on the other, based on the reality, works on the veneers with the brush more than one time, for effect, to enhance the depth of the grain and the unevenness. To contrast with this, the author paints in its full sense a neat and level black block in the lower part of the picture. And this black color block is also multi-pointing: it is a composing part in terms of form and structure and, a deconstruction of realism and of re-presentation-generated authenticity on the one hand; it meanwhile adds to the aura of mystery in terms of narrative on the other. For example, when the door and window are nailed steadfast with battens, why a breach is left in the surface of the wooden wall?