《石渠宝笈续编》著录 重华宫贮藏 鉴藏宝玺:八玺全
本幅款署“臣董邦达恭绘”。钤“臣邦达印”,“恭绘”二印。设色画香山静宜园全景共二十八处。据乾隆御制《静宜园记》记载,该园于乾隆十年(1745年)在香山开始营造,乾隆十二年(1747年),命名为“静宜园”。其依凭山势,逶迤绵延,分成若干区域,步移景易 ,人造景观与自然景致有机融合。乾隆帝题署的二十八景即:勤政殿、丽瞩楼、绿云舫、虚朗斋、璎珞岩、翠微亭、青未了、驯鹿坡、蟾蜍峰、栖云楼、知乐濠、香山寺、听法松、来青轩、唳霜皋、香岩室、霞标磴、玉乳泉、绚秋林、雨香馆、晞阳阿、芙蓉坪、香雾窟、栖月崖、重翠庵、玉华岫、森玉笏、隔云钟等。此图用笔精细,设色清丽秀润,气氛烘托宁静幽雅,既表现出树木山石的自然面貌,又给人以一种美的享受。在董氏众多的传世作品中,此件堪称精品。
--------Introduction in English--------
"Jingyiyuan 28 Scenes" axis, Qing Dynasty, painted by Dong Bangda, Akimoto color, no year. Longitudinal 196 cm, transverse 153.2 cm.
The Sequel of Shiqu Baoji catalogues the treasure seals stored in Zhonghua Palace: Eight Seals Complete
This drawing is "painted by Dong Bangda, a minister". Jun "Chen Bang Dayin" and "Gong Painting" two seals. There are 28 scenic spots in Jingyi Garden of Xiangshan. According to the records of Jingyi Garden in the imperial system of Qianlong, the garden began to be built in Xiangshan in the 10th year of Qianlong (1745), and was named Jingyi Garden in the 12th year of Qianlong (1747). Depending on the mountainous situation, it stretches and divides into several regions. It is easy to move, and the man-made landscape and the natural landscape are integrated organically. Emperor Qianlong's twenty-eight scenic spots designated by Emperor Qianlong in Emperor Qianlong are: diligent hall, Lizhi Building, green clouds, Xulangzhai, Xulangzhai, Luoluyan rock, Cuiweiting Pavilion, Qingwu, reindeer slope, toad peak, Toad peak, Qiyun Tower, Zhile Hao, Zhile Hao, Xiangshan Temple, Hearing Fapine, Laiqing Xuan, Laiqing Xuanxuan, Frost Home, Xiangyyan Room, Xixiabiabiao label, jade fragrant springs, beautiful autumn, beautiful autumn forest, rainincense hall, rain hall, Shenyang A, Huayang A, Furong Ping Ping, Furong Ping Ping Grotto, FuCui'an, Yuhua Headland, Sen Yuhu, Cloud Clock, etc. This picture is delicate in pen, beautiful in color and elegant in atmosphere. It not only shows the natural appearance of trees and rocks, but also gives people a kind of beautiful enjoyment. Among Dong's numerous works handed down from generation to generation, this one can be regarded as an excellent one.