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 马欣乐,旅美画家、收藏家。八十年代大量研习古代及近现代绘画,并受黄胄、刘文西等长安画派的影响,风格多样,造诣深厚。1985年毕业于西安外语学院并研修于西安美术学院,1990年获取艺术硕士学位, 同年作品参加亚洲水墨画展并获优秀奖。获中国艺术硕士学位后于90年代初赴美国学习油画专业,师从纽约哥伦比亚大学当代写实派大师费利普-波尔斯坦先生 ,获西方艺术硕士学位,在俄亥俄州立大学及堪萨斯大学美术学院任教八年,并师从纽约收藏大家王已千先生学习中国古代书画鉴定。



  • 中文名马欣乐
  • 性别
  • 职业画家,收藏家
  • 毕业院校美国俄亥俄洲立大学油画专业
  • 代表作品《马欣乐画集》、《欣乐画马》

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

廖静文  在1987年4月至7月加拿大维多利亚国家艺术博物馆举办了徐悲鸿画展之后,于1991年5月至7月举办了马欣乐绘画艺术展,其间并举办一次赵少昂画展,这是该馆有史以来唯独举办过的三次中国画展,也足...

马欣乐擅长人物画, 其笔墨酣畅潇洒,朴厚而润泽,构图独辟蹊径,气势恢弘。 他善于表现人物的情绪、个性及内在美; 其花鸟画笔墨清新,丽而不俗,栩栩如生; 尤善画马,神态俊逸, 墨韵生动, 宛然若真。

马欣乐现任美国收藏家协会中国书画艺术驻华首席代表,密苏里大学及鲍林格灵大学客座教授。 2005年回国设立上海及北京工作室,从事专业绘画及书画鉴定工作。




他的人生是幸运的,苍天恩赐他许多人无法得到的机运。他曾师从开宗立派的绘画大师黄胄,常得先生耳提面命, 跟随老师在钓鱼台,北京饭店观看李可染程十发刘海粟等前辈大师当场作画,得以很高的起点介入绘画;他虽毕业于西安外语学院,后又研修于西安美术学院,亲聆当代人物画大家刘文西的教诲,接受过“学院派”的教育而获得硕士学位;随着国内精英“出国潮”的大势,他又有幸赴美留学,在美国俄亥俄州立大学攻读油画专业;获硕士学位后,又师从纽约哥伦比亚大学当代写实派大师费利普·波尔斯坦教授深造油画,同时又师从纽约大收藏家王己千先生学习中国书画鉴定。马欣乐的可贵之处是在"顺境"中孜孜不倦地追求,不断给自己出难题,一直在不满足中像海绵一样拼命地吮吸着东西方文化艺术的乳汁。

English Introduction

 Ma Xinle is good at figure painting. His brush and ink are smooth, simple and moist. His composition is unique and magnificent. He is good at expressing people's mood, personality and inner beauty; his flower and bird brushes are fresh, beautiful but not vulgar, lifelike; especially good at drawing horses, with a handsome manner and vivid ink rhyme, just as true.

Ma Xinle is currently the Chief Representative of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art of the American Collectors Association in China and a visiting professor at the University of Missouri and Ballingling University. In 2005, Shanghai and Beijing studios were set up for professional painting and painting appraisal.

During his stay in the United States, a large number of solo exhibitions, joint exhibitions and lectures were held. In 1999, he was invited to draw a giant work "Galloping Snow Map" for the Presidential Library of Clinton, Canada; in 2006, he participated in the 20th Century Chinese Figure Painting Exhibition held by Victoria National Gallery of Canada; in 2007, he held "Retrospect and Prospect" at Shanghai Art Museum; and in 2010, he held "Hometown Travel-Ma Xinle Painting Exhibition" at Xi'an Art Museum; He participated in the "Road to Life - 30 Painting Exhibition of Huang Qian Teachers and Students" sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association in 2002, and held the "East-West Mutual Graduation - Ma Xinle Art Exhibition" in Beijing Yanhuang Art Museum in 2012.

In 1995, he graduated from Ohio State University, USA, and received a master's degree in oil painting. He also studied with Mr. Felipe Pollstein, a master of contemporary realism at Columbia University in New York. He has held joint exhibitions and solo exhibitions in Europe, Asia and America for many times. His works are mainly composed of figures, flowers and horses, and are also exhibited by many countries and universities. Museum, group and personal collections. Mr. Wang Jiqian, who has studied Chinese painting and calligraphy appraisal for several years, has a good reputation in American collectors. In 1999, he was invited to draw a huge work "Snow Map" for the Presidential Library of Clinton, which won the praise of the Clintons.

Ma Xinle was born in the ancient city of Xi'an, China. From childhood, he was touched by three colors of Qin bricks, Han tiles and Tang dynasty. He imitated famous paintings of the Tang Dynasty and read ancient poetry of the Tang Dynasty. This kind of cultural pottery naturally formed his classical cultural complex of admiring the heroic style of the Tang Dynasty. Among his later successful works, such as "Six Juns in Zhaoling", "Yan Zhenqing's Statue", "Pictures of Musicians in the Flourishing Tang Dynasty" and "Long Volume of the Flourishing Tang Dynasty", all reflect the influence of this cultural complex on him.

His life was fortunate, and God gave him luck that many people could not get. Huang Qiang, a master of painting from the founding school, and Mr. Chang De put his life in his ear. He followed his teacher in Diaoyutai and watched Li Keran, Cheng Shifa and Liu Haisu's paintings at the Beijing Hotel on the spot. He got involved in painting from a very high starting point. Although he graduated from Xi'an Foreign Language College, he studied at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and listened to them personally. Liu Wenxi, a contemporary figure painter, received a master's degree from the "Academic School" education. With the tide of "going abroad" among the elites in China, he was fortunate to study in the United States and study oil painting at Ohio State University. After receiving his master's degree, he also studied under Felipe, a master of contemporary realism at Columbia University in New York.· Professor Pollstein studied oil painting, and at the same time, he studied Chinese painting and calligraphy appraisal from Mr. Wang Jiqian, a great collector in New York. Ma Xinle's precious point is that he pursues diligently in the "good times", constantly gives himself problems, and has been sucking the milk of eastern and Western culture and art like a sponge in dissatisfaction.

He read history, theory, poetry, philosophy, history, aesthetics, and many famous literary works. Naturally, the scope involved is not only in China but also in foreign countries. Of course, his focus is also on the study and practice of the "theory" and "technology" of eastern and Western painting. In fact, he first received the education of traditional Chinese art, and formed his own unique modeling method and feeling of ink, and then went overseas to experience and study the Western painting modeling system. It can be said that he is good at oil painting and naturally incorporates a lot of traditional Chinese painting elements into his oil painting; he is more skilled in Chinese painting, whether landscape, flowers and birds or characters, animals, or fine brushwork or freehand brushwork, as well as introducing a lot of Western painting concepts and methods in order to make up for traditional China. Painting is congenitally inadequate. The interaction of these horizontal and vertical knowledge structures and artistic structures inevitably constructs an open and free form for his artistic development, in which the characteristics of Chinese and Western painting are very distinct.

In Ma Xinle's overseas landscape sketches, he used modern and traditional strategies, breaking through the framework and mode of traditional painting in the aspects of shape, schema, brush and ink method and color expression, presenting a free, loose, stretching and beautiful formal aesthetic feeling, while maintaining the natural life charm of Chinese painting. Rhythm pursues the primary principle of vivid charm.

If Ma Xinle's landscape painting lays particular emphasis on the integration of the two heterogeneous painting elements, then the prominent features in his creation of figure painting, animal painting and flower-and-bird painting are the weakening of the influence on Western painting and the inheritance and promotion of national characteristics, emphasizing on the national characteristics. The transformation and Transcendence of painting tradition. Based on the extensive and profound traditional culture, his figure painting boldly intercepts colorful historical chapters one after another, letting the characters express their feelings in the historical atmosphere, letting the brushes, ink and colors in the image-building do their best, complement each other with reality, set off feelings with scenery, rich calligraphy and painting, mutual reflection of colors and ink, combination of lines and surfaces, and appropriate density. It shows the unique features of "thinking for thousands of years and opening up the present through the past". It is full of rich cultural atmosphere, natural feelings and the inner feelings of singing in a low voice.






    最近更新:2025-01-26 18:40:17
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