“胡马大宛名,锋棱瘦骨成,竹批双耳峻,风入四蹄轻。所向无空阔,真堪托死生。 骁腾有如此,万里可横行。”大宛即当今新疆伊犁一带,七八十年代欣乐曾在临摹学习徐悲鸿画马的基础上,数次西上捕捉杜甫的诗意,伊犁草原,天山角下,锡林格勒大草原,踏遍铁蹄,画了大量的写生,体验大自然里骏马的自由自在及龙马神韵。正如他所说的“我画马是觉得马不同于一般的动物,它的完美除了其英俊的仪容、疾弛的雄姿,更具有一种亲善人类的人格美和灵性。”尤其杜甫诗中的马,瘦骨锋梭,气宇轩昂,在欣乐的笔下全然是一种意志、力量、勇气和成功的集中体现。
by Liao Jingwen
he museum of Greater Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, first inaugurated its Chinese painting exhibition in 1987 with a show of the great Xu Beihong (1895-1953.) Next was the major southern painter and pillar of the Lingnan School, Zhao Shao"ang(1905-1998). The third in this illustrious lineage to come was Ma Xinle"s in 1991, giving an idea of how respected his work is in North America.
A horse of Dayuan, ferghanian breed, Angular, chiseled, lean muscle and bone.
Slashed bamboo his two erect ears, Rushing air, his four swift hooves.
Whatever direction, nothing is far, And life and death can be wagered on him.
If there is a steed like this who gallantly soars, He may travel ten thousand li.
Dayuan at 700 A.D. is today"s Yili, Xinjiang Province. In 1980s, Xinle traveled to several different grassland areas of Yili, Mount Tian Shan and Mongolia to sketch, trying to experience the spirit of wild horses and also understand Du Fu"s poem. It is like what he said: "I paint horses because I think horse differs from other animals. The beauty far more beyond its handsome apperance and vigorous and heroic posture, is its personalized character and compassionate neigh. Horses especially in Du Fu"s poem with ears as sharp as whittled bamboo stripe, thin and run like floating on wind, gallop and never surrender under any difficulties. All this at Xinle"s paintings is a representation of strong will, power, encouragement and success.
Studying the masterful horse paintings created by Xinle Ma in recent years, I feel like going back to over half century ago, I visualized Beihong is painting by his table with his back bent and using splashed ink to depict his horses with floating hair and tails... Like what Beihong has experienced on his artistic path, Xinle studied traditional Chinese paintings in 70s and 80s and studied oil painting in early 90s in the States and obtained his Master of Fine Art degree in Western paintings with a profound knowledge in using color and depicting forms. This has, in a great degree, enhanced techniques of his traditional styles. He uses superb brushwork not only to paint the shapes of horses, but the spirit, to unlash an unconstrained, graceful and a wild feeling of his inner most being. Horses are known for their royalty and tameness and meanwhile, wild, energetic power and braveness, symbolizing an undefeatable, moving forward idol. Therefore, Beihong frequently painted horses to encourage our citizens and to anticipate thriving, strong changes and prosperous movement of the country.
I love Xinle"s horses for his trueness and lifelike depiction, especially his long scroll painting "Thousands Horses in Galloping". He uses free-hand brushwork to paint over hundred horses in varied postures and spirit as well. His brushwork, sometimes are bold and unconstrained with ink in block, sometimes fluent with heavy and stone-carving-like steadiness. He applied different speed, darkness and thickness of the ink lines to show the rhythm of horses in running and their strong characters. The whole painting is well composed with marvelous movement and a comparison of still and movement, looseness and tightness, and from a distance it makes you feel like hundreds of horses are freely flying in the wild and created a soul stirring power to the viewers.
"The Road of Art is Endless", here I anticipate that Xinle creates more beautiful artworks for us, and for our society.
Xu Beihong Memoral Museum
Beijing,October 2004