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中国织锦是中国技术水平最高的丝织物,用彩色的金缕线织成各种花纹的织品,织锦因此而得名。在中国七千多年养蚕缫丝的历史里,织锦作为丝绸中最美丽的部分,也曾随着路上丝绸之路的驼队和海上丝绸之路的团队,走遍当时的世界。这种前所未见,光彩夺目的织品,让那时的西方世界对遥远而神秘的东方充满了古老的神往。 在不同民族、不同地域的人们数千年生活创造的过程中,织锦也呈现了多种多样的风格,如南京的云锦,四川的蜀锦,苏州的宋锦,广西的壮锦,湖南的土家锦,云南的傣锦,贵州的苗锦,海南的黎锦等。数千年的演变发展过程中,中国的织锦由最初作为布料的存在,成为中国工艺美术珍宝中一个美丽的门类。
金丝的制作,是由有经验的工匠,将金叶加入乌金纸中打成金箔,金叶要经过千百次的捶打,工人靠感觉调整角度,使金叶慢慢延展,制好的金箔只有0.12μm,轻微的呼吸就可以将它吹走。再经过背光、切丝、捻成金线,成为可以织入云锦的圆金线和扁金线。红楼梦中有一“出晴雯勇补孔雀裘”,从那时就记载了将孔雀羽织入衣物的故事。活孔雀羽不变色,用线经水捻,一天能捻几十米。云锦织造时,机楼上的拽花工提升经线,织手在下面分段局部按花弹织,提经穿尾,两个人的配合才能完成。 云锦虽然很精美漂亮,但是毕竟是传统的一些东西,随着时代的发展,人们的眼光也在变,云锦要想再发展的话,必须和现代的生活相结合起来。设计师也在尝试将纹样用在结婚礼服上。人们的生活水平提高了,不只是皇家才能穿云锦。
蜀锦是织锦种类中历史久远的一种,它兴于秦汉,盛于唐宋,繁于明清在东汉时期就已誉满天下。汉唐以来的1000多年里,蜀锦南北丝绸之路源源不断的向外输出,即加快了中国丝绸业的发展和传播,也对促进东西方文化交流产生过不可磨灭的影响。寓合纹样(又称吉祥图案),常常含有吉祥、如意、顺利、喜庆、颂祝、长寿、多福、富贵、昌盛等美好吉利的寓意。寓合吉祥纹在我国民间艺术中应用越来越广泛,不仅成为我国民族锦缎图案的一个重要特征,亦是我国民族传统工艺美术的宝贵文化遗产。 三国时期蜀锦曾一度是蜀汉和东吴、曹魏的主要贸易商品,是当时蜀国的经济命脉,而发展到明清的繁盛时期,史书记载成都有机房两千处,织机万余架,当时的成都是举国文明的织锦生产地。成都一直以来就有另一个美丽的名字“锦城”,流转的时光带走了古城的风情,成都几乎被人们淡忘了他曾经数千年被称为锦城。 在中国历史上把一种手工艺与一座城市联系起来的并不多。从而看到蜀锦与这座城市意味深长的关联。蜀锦的织机名叫木制小花楼织机,在现代艺人的努力下,已恢复了许多绝版蜀锦,灯笼锦原为明朝宫廷元宵节的纹样,灯笼的四角是悬挂流苏,长织成稻穗状,旁有蜜蜂,寓意五谷丰登,图中又织有莲花、宝珠等吉祥图案,是蜀锦中得传统名锦之一,连珠狩猎纹锦是唐代对波斯文化的汲取,取材于古丝绸之路的敦煌石窟,纹样以栩栩如生的造型,表现出骑马、射猎的武士神韵。再现了唐朝蜀锦的独特风格。红底八大云锦是宋代较有代表性的蜀锦,地是红色,花纹由红、黄、绿等组成,以几何形为主,是一种名贵的彩锦。月华锦由数组彩色金线排列成由浅入深,逐渐过渡的色彩,加上装饰的花纹,数种渐变的色彩同时织成,如雨后初晴的彩虹,五彩缤纷,这种巧妙地艺术构思,据说是丝织匠由天空中的彩虹受到的启发,其技巧失传已久,乃蜀锦所独具。
土家族妇女们都学着织西兰姑娘的卡普,把它做成被子盖在身上,表示和西兰在一起,表达对她的无限思念。土家族女儿从小就学织西兰织过的布,把它当自己出嫁的陪嫁品,人们把它叫作“西兰卡普”。土家锦的图案由各种花纹构成,取材于生活中的方方面面,善于观察生活的土家族妇女,将她们看到的美好的东西全部织到了锦里,而且,土家族的织锦是不画图的,那些花样都在她们的心里,有九条云,小白妹,栗子花,太阳花,月亮花,是少女对美好生活的向往。 土家族织锦,沿用自汉朝以来一直未曾改变的古老腰织式斜织机,民间的织机一般长约五尺宽约2尺,沿袭斜织机的的腰织式,要求眼看背面,手织正面,必须对纹样及色彩有娴熟的记忆和表现能力。传统的使用牛角挑织的方法,使经纬线沉浮均匀,结实耐用,织机窄,两尺左右,通经断尾,反挑,牛角挑。还有一个特点就是作料的选取上,用棉纱做经,用蚕茧吐的丝做纬线,给它染成五颜六色,土家锦除了技法之外还要要求心中有图案,对这些传统的土家图案,都烂熟于心。总结她们总体的风格就是崇尚自然,追求幸福吉祥。
With dyed color warp and weft threads, pattern fabrics are woven by jacquard and weaving techniques. Chinese silk jacquard technology has a long history. Silk fabrics existed in China as early as the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Brocade appeared in the silk fabrics of the Zhou Dynasty, with brilliant patterns and mature techniques. There were weaving rooms and brocade offices in the Han Dynasty, specializing in weaving brocades for the palace to enjoy.
The Three Kingdoms, Six Dynasties and Sui and Tang Dynasties are a turning point in the history of brocade development in China. Jin Dynasty set up Jin Dynasty, an official department specializing in brocade management, in Jiankang, the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which marked the formal birth of Yunjin in Nanjing. By the Tang Dynasty, the Silk Road was busy. During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, Dou Shilun's designs of Shu brocade, such as pheasant, goat fighting and Xiangfeng, were known as the "Qiyang Gong Sample". In weaving process, weft brocade is improved from warp brocade to weft brocade. Weft brocade uses weft blooming, which breaks through the limitation of smaller "brocade flower" unit and presents the fading technique of color warp and weft lines from shallow to deep or from deep to shallow. In Tokyo, the Northern Song Dynasty set up a "Weijin Courtyard" to attract many Shu brocade weavers to make dresses for nobles, thus forming the Song brocade.
In 2006, Yunjin, Shujin and Songjin were listed in the first national intangible cultural heritage list. The National Productive Protection Demonstration Base of Brocade-like intangible cultural heritage approved by the Ministry of Culture includes Nanjing Yunjin Research Institute and Chengdu Shu Brocade Museum. In 2009, Yunjin brocade weaving technology in Nanjing, China, was successfully selected as the representative works of intangible cultural heritage of mankind.
Chinese silk jacquard technology has a long history. Silk fabrics existed in China as early as the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Brocade appeared in the silk fabrics of the Zhou Dynasty, with brilliant patterns and mature techniques. There were weaving rooms and brocade offices in the Han Dynasty, specializing in weaving brocades for the palace to enjoy. Since Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty, Chinese brocade has been introduced to Persia (modern Iran) and Great Qin (ancient Roman Empire) through the Silk Road. Jin Dynasty set up Jin Dynasty, an official department specializing in brocade management, in Jiankang, the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which marked the formal birth of Yunjin in Nanjing. During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, Dou Shilun's designs of Shu brocade, such as pheasant, goat fighting and Xiangfeng, were known as the "Qiyang Gong Sample". In weaving process, the warp brocade is improved to weft brocade, and colour warp and weft lines are faded from shallow to deep or from deep to shallow. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the court established large-scale weaving workshops in Bianjing and other places to produce various kinds of brocades. The Yuan Dynasty was a time when gold brocade (a kind of gold-added silk fabric) was produced in large quantities in Chinese history. The court set up a dyeing and weaving Bureau and a dyeing and weaving commissioner, which had a huge organization and concentrated a large number of excellent craftsmen. Brocade production in Ming and Qing dynasties concentrated in Nanjing and Suzhou. In addition to the brocade Bureau of the government, folk workshops also flourished, forming a prosperous period of brocade production in Jiangnan. Most brocades use traditional jacquard technology and wooden floral looms. Some brocades differ from one another in variety.
Chinese brocade is the silk fabric with the highest technological level in China. It is weaved into various patterns with colored Hamamelis thread, hence the name of brocade. In the history of sericulture and silk reeling in China for more than 7,000 years, brocade, as the most beautiful part of silk, had traveled all over the world with the camel team along the Silk Road and the team of the Marine Silk Road. This unprecedented and brilliant fabric filled the Western world with ancient fascination for the remote and mysterious East. In the course of thousands of years'life creation of people of different nationalities and regions, brocade also presents various styles, such as Yunjin in Nanjing, Shujin in Sichuan, Songjin in Suzhou, Zhuang Brocade in Guangxi, Tujia Brocade in Hunan, Dai Brocade in Yunnan, Miaojin in Guizhou, Li Brocade in Hainan, etc. In the course of thousands of years'evolution and development, Chinese brocade has become a beautiful category of Chinese arts and crafts treasures from its original existence as cloth.
Nanjing Yunjin is a traditional silk handicraft in China. It is known as "inch brocade and inch gold". Its history can be traced back to 417 years (thirteen years of Jin Yixi) when Jin Dynasty set up Jin Department, an official office specializing in brocade management in Jiankang, the capital of China. It has a history of 1600 years. Nowadays, only Yunjin still keeps its traditional characteristics and unique skills, and has always retained the traditional jacquard weaving. This traditional handmade weaving technology, which depends on human memory, can not be replaced by modern machines.
Cloud brocade is famous for its brilliant color and beauty like clouds in the sky. It has exquisite materials, exquisite weaving patterns, gorgeous brocade patterns and elegant style. It has developed on the basis of inheriting the fine traditions of brocades of past dynasties, and has integrated the valuable experience of various other silk weaving processes, reaching the peak state of silk weaving technology. It represents the highest achievement of China's silk weaving process, concentrating the essence of Chinese silk weaving skills, and is the resplendent crystallization of Chinese silk culture.
In ancient Silk fabrics, "brocade" is the fabric representing the highest technological level, while Nanjing Yunjin is the first of the four famous brocades in China. The Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties are royal tributes. Because of their rich culture and connotation, it is called the last in the history of brocade technology in ancient China by experts. This milestone is generally recognized as "Oriental treasure" and "China is a unique country", and it is also the most precious historical and cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and the world.
Nanjing Yunjin wooden machine makeup and hand-weaving technology is the highest level representative of China's ancient brocade technology, which was listed in the first national intangible cultural heritage list in 2006. In August 2009, the national standard of Yunjin, a geographical indication product, was appraised by national experts in Nanjing. In September of the same year, it was successfully selected into the United Nations List of Representative Works of Human Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Legend has it that Fairies in the sky weave brocade day and night, the morning is Jinyun, and the morning is Qixia. When people look up at the overflowing light in the sky, they marvel at the brocade as beautiful as Yunxia. Therefore, people call Nanjing the brocade as colorful as cloud brocade. According to different techniques, Yunjin can be divided into four categories: Kusatin, brocade, Kujin and makeup.
China's brocade weaving technology reached a fairly high level in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. At that time, there were tens of thousands of looms on both sides of the Qinhuai River and up to 300,000 people mainly made of Yunjin brocade. According to Tiangong Kaifa Shu, the weaving machine is called Dahua Lou Loom. It is a kind of wood loom composed of wood and bamboo, and it is mainly made by two upper and lower people. Art is a manufacturing method of warp and weft breaking, so far it can not be replaced by modern machines.
China's historical traditions and aesthetic habits are closely related. Behind each pattern, there is people's yearning for auspicious, rich and rich harvest. Its implication can be summarized as "fortune, longevity, happiness and wealth right". For example, peach represents longevity, Buddha represents happiness, and pomegranate represents many sons. After the draft comes out, to be a good artist, you want to enlarge the image into a grid, a small vertical grid represents a silk, a small horizontal grid represents a latitude, very detailed, so although the draft is not big, it can be enlarged artistically. Next is flower-picking, that is, according to the changes in the lattice, the pattern changes are all directed by the thread on the flower book, this process belongs to a design process. Using the ancient knotting method to record silk thread and brocade thread weave into a dark flower program, become cost-saving. Nanjing Yunjin is for the Royal family. It is different from other brocades in material selection. It uses high quality silk with good elasticity, flexibility and luster. As for gold and peacock feathers, they are precious materials.
Gold wire is made by experienced craftsmen. Gold leaf is added to black gold paper and beaten into gold foil. Gold leaf has to be beaten thousands of times. Workers adjust the angle by feeling to make the gold leaf extend slowly. The finished gold foil is only 0.12 um, and can be blown away with a slight breath. After backlighting, silk cutting and twisting into gold yarn, it becomes round gold yarn and flat gold yarn that can be woven into Yunjin brocade. In the Dream of Red Mansions, there is a story of "peacock fur repaired by Qingwenyong". From then on, the story of weaving peacock feathers into clothes was recorded. Living peacock feathers do not change color, twisting with thread through water, can twist tens of meters a day. When weaving brocade in Yunnan, the florist in the machine building lifts the warp line, and the knitter knits in the following sections according to the pattern partially, lifting the warp and piercing the tail, so that the cooperation between the two people can be completed. Although Yunjin is exquisite and beautiful, it is a traditional thing after all. With the development of the times, people's vision is also changing. If Yunjin wants to develop again, it must be combined with modern life. Designers are also trying to apply patterns to wedding dresses. People's living standards have improved. It is not only the royal family that can wear the brocade.