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法国居住在巴黎街Ste Avoye寺庙季度靠近酒店de伪装,1568年是已知的庇护下克劳德Gouffierde Boisy诸侯d 'Oiron,和他的妻子克劳德·德Baune。关于弗朗索瓦•法国另一个确定的事实是,1571年,他被叫到办公室的法院薄荷、和他的意见是相似的国王画像被薄荷。他准备的死亡面具亨利二世,1547年,他已经采取了类似的面具弗朗西斯我的脸和手。,在葬礼上使用的雕像可能准备从他的图纸,并在每一个场合他处决了绘画中使用的装饰教堂和横幅的仪式。
几个微缩模型被认为是他的工作,一个常显著的肖像是亨利二世的半身像的集合j•皮尔庞特•摩根。他的另一个是肖像弗朗索瓦,duc d 'Alencon在琼斯的集合维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆.凯瑟琳德美第奇贾米特描述的努力迈斯特(他使用他的父亲的名字)驻伦敦大使阿朗松的像,费内龙Mothe。[3]某些表示的皇室成员在Magniac汉密尔顿宫收集和出售通常归因于他。
Clouet was born in Tours.
The earliest reference to him is a document dated December 1541 (see Jean Clouet), in which the king renounces for the benefit of François his father's estate, which had escheated to the crown as the estate of a foreigner. In this document, the younger Clouet is said to have followed his father very closely in his art. Like his father, he held the office of groom of the chamber and painter in ordinary to the king, and so far as salary is concerned, he started where his father left off. Many drawings are attributed to this artist, often without perfect certainty. There is, however, more to go upon than there is in the case of his father.
As the praises of François Clouet were sung by the writers of the day, his name was carefully preserved from reign to reign, and there is an ancient and unbroken tradition in the attribution of many of his pictures. There are not, however, any original attestations of his works, nor are any documents known which would guarantee the ascriptions usually accepted. To him are attributed the portraits of Francis I at the Uffizi and at the Louvre, and various drawings relating to them. He probably also painted the portrait of Catherine de' Mediciat Versailles and other works, and in all probability a large number of the drawings ascribed to him were from his hand. One of his most remarkable portraits is that of Mary, Queen of Scots, a drawing in chalks in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of similar character are the two portraits of Charles IX and the one at Chantilly of Marguerite of France. Perhaps his masterpiece is the portrait of Elizabeth of Austria in the Louvre.This piece made an important impression on Claude Lévi-Strauss. In particular it helped inspire his theory of the modèle réduit, or of works of art as 'miniature models', and other theories of artworks, in his book The Savage Mind.
Clouet resided in Paris in the rue de Ste Avoye in the Temple quarter, close to the Hotel de Guise, and in 1568 is known to have been under the patronage ofClaude Gouffier de Boisy, Seigneur d'Oiron, and his wife Claude de Baune. Another ascertained fact concerning François Clouet is that in 1571 he was summoned to the office of the Court of the Mint, and his opinion was taken on the likeness to the king of a portrait struck by the mint. He prepared the death-mask of Henry II, as in 1547 he had taken a similar mask of the face and hands of Francis I., in order that the effigy to be used at the funeral might be prepared from his drawings; and on each of these occasions he executed the painting to be used in the decorations of the church and the banners for the great ceremony.
Several miniatures are believed to be his work, one very remarkable portrait being the half-length figure of Henry II in the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan. Another of his portraits is that of François, duc d'Alençon in the Jones collection at the Victoria & Albert Museum. Catherine de Medici described the efforts of Maistre Jamet (he used his father's name) on Alençon's portrait to the ambassador in London, Mothe Fénélon.[3]Certain representations of members of the royal family which were in the Hamilton Palace collection and the Magniac sale are usually ascribed to him.
He died on 22 December 1572, shortly after the massacre of St Bartholomew, and his will, mentioning his sister and his two illegitimate daughters, and dealing with the disposition of a considerable amount of property, is still in existence. His daughters subsequently became nuns.
His work is remarkable for the elaborate finish of all the details, the extreme accuracy of the drawing, and the exquisite completeness of the whole portrait. He must have been a man of high intelligence, and of great penetration, intensely interested in his work, and with considerable ability to represent the character of his sitter in his portraits. His coloring is perhaps not specially remarkable, nor from the point of style can his pictures be considered very fairly beautiful, but in perfection of drawing he has hardly any equal.[2][better source needed]