《刘慈欣科幻漫画系列》第二辑中信出版集团股份有限公司2021年6月出版 “画风好棒!”“像看科幻大片一样过瘾!”网友纷纷如此评论刚面世的《刘慈欣科幻漫画系列》第二辑——《赡养人类》《吞食者》 《混沌蝴蝶》《圆》4部作品。 刘慈欣的小说读者、漫画读者都会本能地去对比两种不同表达形式的版本。笔者也去尝试对比两种版本,以《混沌蝴蝶》为例,短篇小说展现了流畅、饱满的叙事能力,漫画却体现出更清晰的节奏感,尤其是展现了家庭成员之间令人感动的温情——关爱、牵挂、付出和残酷的失去。 “你好!我是刘慈欣。”在第二辑中,随书夹着一封刘慈欣给读者的信,信上有刘慈欣亲笔签名和亲笔写的“立足大地,仰望星空”。刘慈欣写道:“我们人类对宇宙的好奇、对未知世界的渴望与生俱来,而这正是科幻文学的灵魂所在,这使得她像是早上八九点钟的太阳。愿我们能够满怀热爱,沐浴在她的蓬勃与温暖中……愿我的作品,以及《刘慈欣科幻漫画系列》作品,能够为你插上兴趣与热爱的翅膀,助力你在想象力的苍穹下翱翔,在深邃的思想里探求希望之光。” 诚如刘慈欣所愿,《刘慈欣科幻漫画系列》确实为原着插上了翅膀,帮助读者“在想象力的苍穹下翱翔”。第二辑中,由法国着名编剧塞尔万·瑞伯格改编、西班牙艺术家米基·蒙特罗绘的《赡养人类》,场景戏剧冲突具有爆破力,人物刻画线条精细,环境背景层次细腻,故事在不断的插叙中回转、前进,让主人公杀手滑膛的心理层次在过去时态、现在时态中变得更加丰富可感。由法国着名编剧让·大卫·摩文改编、中国艺术家杨伟林绘的《吞食者》,故事开篇就以埃塞俄比亚阿比西尼亚高原和高原上的废墟场景来引发读者的好奇,整部作品画风复杂精致,在细节上狠下功夫,场景展现完整性突出,情节跌宕起伏,节奏强劲。《混沌蝴蝶》由美国艺术家丹·帕诺西恩编绘,家庭线、战争线并行,一边是人性温情,一边是对抗战争,人物表情特写的广泛运用,能帮助读者对对话、叙事的快速理解,双页大全景的每次出现都意味深长,让读者的感情在画面的篇幅中得到更多的延展。《圆》由法国艺术家泽维尔·贝斯编绘,对于阵容强大的三百万精兵的描绘是漫画的一大亮点,在小说中非常令人费解的内容通过国际化的水墨风格图像得到了更为直观的表现。 《刘慈欣科幻漫画系列》是刘慈欣授权、北京漫传奇文化传播有限公司组织创作的原创漫画项目。该项目召集了全球20多位顶尖漫画艺术家,包括中国漫画界领军人物张晓雨、杨伟林等,也有参与《蝙蝠侠》《X战警》人物创作的国际性漫画家,从2019年起计划用4年时间,将《流浪地球》《乡村教师》《微纪元》《赡养人类》《球状闪电》等15部作品改编成漫画。 项目策划团队将刘慈欣作品以漫画的形式再现出来,除了考虑科幻内容本身的魅力之外,还受到了原着在视觉表现力方面的启发与鼓舞。刘慈欣作品文字本身就具有电影感,能让读者去想象各种各样的画面。改编出版的漫画系列风格各异,或恢弘壮阔,或空灵悠远,或激烈火爆,或恬淡静美,或灯火明灭炊烟袅袅,或天崩地裂地动山摇……刘慈欣曾说,图像才是科幻最好的表现方式,它让抽象的想象变成具象的画面。 刘慈欣的科幻文学作品中充满了对人类命运、科技、战争等的反思,漫画的具象化表达,尤其是场景的推远、拉近以及各种画风凌厉的特写画面,让人物的心理、感情得到了更加充分的释放。比如,在《混沌蝴蝶》里,最后得知妻儿双亡的亚历山大幻化为有着翅膀的蝴蝶,他带着未完成的使命和无限的悲伤,在南极雪地里点燃火苗——“这是普通的火苗,是无法作用于敏感点的火苗,是不会给他的祖国带去阴云和浓雾的火苗”。他喃喃自语: “为了苦难中的祖国,我扑动蝴蝶的翅膀。”这位背井离乡、远赴世界各地去拯救苦难祖国的勇士,最终没能拯救自己的祖国,而且失去了全部家人。漫画创作为文学作品增加了情感张力,让读者能在与人物同呼吸同命运的阅读体验中更强烈地感受到战争给人类带来的厄运。
The second series of Liu Cixin's science fiction comics, CITIC Publishing Group Co., Ltd. published "great painting style" in June 2021 "Like watching sci-fi blockbusters!" Netizens commented on the four works of the second series of Liu Cixin's sci-fi comics, namely, supporting mankind, devourer, chaotic butterfly and circle. Liu Cixin's novel readers and cartoon readers instinctively compare the versions of two different forms of expression. The author also tries to compare the two versions. Taking chaotic butterfly as an example, the short story shows a smooth and full narrative ability, but the cartoon shows a clearer sense of rhythm, especially the touching warmth among family members - love, care, giving and cruel loss. "Hello! I'm Liu Cixin." In the second series, there is a letter from Liu Cixin to the readers, with Liu Cixin's autograph and the handwritten "based on the earth and looking up to the stars". Liu Cixin wrote: "we humans are born with curiosity about the universe and desire for the unknown world, and this is the soul of science fiction, which makes her look like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. May we be full of love and bathe in her vitality and warmth... May my works and Liu Cixin's science fiction cartoon series" Works can give you wings of interest and love, help you soar under the sky of imagination and explore the light of hope in deep thoughts. " As Liu Cixin wishes, "Liu Cixin science fiction cartoon series" has indeed put wings on the original, helping readers "soar under the sky of imagination". In the second episode, the famous French screenwriter selwan rieberg adapted and the Spanish artist Mickey Montero painted "supporting mankind". The scene drama conflict has explosive power, the character depiction lines are fine, the environmental background level is exquisite, and the story turns and moves forward in continuous narration, making the psychological level of the protagonist killer's smooth chamber richer and more perceptible in the past tense and the present tense. Adapted by the famous French screenwriter Jean David morvin and painted by Chinese artist Yang Weilin, the story starts with the ruins of Abyssinia plateau and plateau in Ethiopia to arouse the curiosity of readers. The painting style of the whole work is complex and exquisite, making great efforts in details. The integrity of the scene is prominent, the plot is ups and downs, and the rhythm is strong. "Chaotic butterfly" is edited by American artist Dan panosian. The family line and war line are parallel. One side is human warmth and the other side is fighting against war. The extensive use of close-up characters can help readers quickly understand dialogue and narration. Each appearance of the two page panorama is meaningful and makes readers' feelings more extended in the length of the picture. The circle was compiled by the French artist Xavier bass. The description of the three million elite soldiers with a strong lineup is a highlight of the cartoon. The very puzzling content in the novel has been more intuitively expressed through the international ink style images. Liu Cixin's Sci Fi cartoon series is an original cartoon project authorized by Liu Cixin and organized by Beijing Man Legend Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The project has brought together more than 20 top cartoon artists in the world, including Zhang Xiaoyu, Yang Weilin and other leading figures in China's cartoon industry, as well as international cartoonists who have participated in the creation of characters in Batman and X-Men. From 2019, it is planned to use four years to adapt 15 works such as wandering the earth, rural teachers, micro era, supporting mankind and spherical lightning into cartoons. The project planning team reproduced Liu Cixin's works in the form of comics. In addition to considering the charm of science fiction content itself, it was also inspired and encouraged by the visual expressiveness of the original work. The words in Liu Cixin's works have a sense of film, which can let readers imagine all kinds of pictures. The comic series adapted and published have different styles, such as magnificent, ethereal, hot, quiet, beautiful, lights out, smoke curling, or earth shaking... Liu Cixin once said that images are the best expression of science fiction, which turns abstract images into concrete images. Liu Cixin's sci-fi works are full of reflections on human destiny, science and technology, war, etc. the figurative expression of comics, especially the pushing and closing of scenes and the sharp close-up pictures of various painting styles, make the characters' psychology and feelings more fully released. For example, in chaotic butterfly, Alexander, who finally learned that his wife and children had died, turned into a butterfly with wings. With his unfinished mission and infinite sadness, he lit a flame in the Antarctic snow - "this is an ordinary flame, a flame that cannot act on sensitive points, and a flame that will not bring clouds and dense fog to his motherland". He muttered to himself: "for the suffering of the motherland, I flutter the wings of a butterfly." The brave man who left his hometown and went all over the world to save his suffering motherland finally failed to save his motherland and lost all his family. The reading of comics can bring readers a stronger sense of doom and the same fate in the literary creation.