本幅无仇英款印,根据作品画风及画心右上项元汴的二方鉴藏印定为仇氏之作。图中以工笔重彩描绘王羲之在兰亭水阁观鹅、赏鹤的情景。在尺幅之间构图繁密,笔墨精谨,其中岩泉迴转,虬松垂柳、春花翠竹点缀着园囿。人物形象儒雅,巾带飘逸,院中的家僮或携琴,或烹茶,他们的行为衬托出主人清高自得的精神世界和生活情趣。对开有明代书法家丰坊于嘉靖甲子(1564年)为项元汴《临王羲之帖》二则 。
--------Introduction in English--------
"Lanting Tu" fan page, Ming Dynasty, Qiu Ying Painting, Golden Paper, green color, vertical 21.5 cm, horizontal 31.2 cm.
According to the style of the painting and the two-way collection seal of the upper right of the painting heart, Xiang Yuanbian is designated as Qiu's work. The picture depicts Wang Xizhi's view of geese and cranes in Lanting Shuige with meticulous brushwork. Among them, the rocky spring turns around, the pine weeping willows and spring flowers and emerald bamboo adorn the garden. Characters are elegant and elegant, with elegant scarves, family caddies in the courtyard carrying pianos or cooking tea. Their behavior reflects the host's noble and self-satisfied spiritual world and life interest. On the other hand, Fengfang, a calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty, was named Jia Zi of Jiajing (1564) as Xiang Yuanbian's "Tie of Linwang Xizhi".