释文: 为客栖未定,况当玄月中。繁云翳碧霄,落雪和清风。郊陌绝行人,原隰多飞蓬。耕牛返村巷,野鸟依房栊。我无饥寒忧,身托莲花宫。安闲类禅伯,复得疏尘蒙。览君郢曲文,词彩何冲融。讴吟不能已,顿觉形神空。 右益东野谢友人赠新文诗。丙寅五月书,玄宰。
钤“董其昌印”。 鉴藏印有“单涛”。幅上有顾梦游题跋。
本幅书唐朝诗人孟郊五言诗《酬友人见寄新文》(见《全唐诗》卷三七八),书于明天启六年(1626年)五月,是董氏72岁时为躲避党祸再次辞官归乡期间所作。 此扇书法融合了颜真卿、米芾、赵孟頫各家的书风,自成一体,运笔灵动,字体圆秀,是董氏晚年的经意之作。
--------Introduction in English--------
"Mengjiao Poetry" fan page, Ming Dynasty, Dong Qichang book, paper book, running book, vertical 17.9 cm, horizontal 54 cm.
Interpretation: Habitat is undetermined, in mid-September. Clouds and clouds, snow and wind. There are no pedestrians in the countryside. The farming cattle return to the village lanes, and the wild birds depend on the houses and oaks. I have no hunger and cold worries, supporting the Lotus Palace. Zen Buddhist monks of leisure have recovered from the dust. Reading Jun Yung's Quwen, how to blend words and colors. Singing can't help but feel empty. Youyi Dongye Xie Youren presented new poems. Bin Yin's May Book, Xuanzai.
Jun "Dong Qichang Yin". "Shantao" is printed in the collection. Gu's sleepwalking inscriptions and postscripts are on the picture.
This book, a five-character poem by Meng Jiao, a poet of Tang Dynasty, "Returning Friends to Send New Articles" (see Volume 378 of "Full Tang Poetry"), was written in May, 1626, in the sixth year of tomorrow. It was written by Dong Jiao when he was 72 years old to avoid the party disaster and resigned again. This calligraphy combines the styles of Yan Zhenqing, Mifu and Zhao Mengfu. It is a deliberate work of Dong in his later years.