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莫奈《睡莲》系列登峰之作世界艺术史上最着名图像之一相隔超过四十载后再现拍场受日本私人收藏委托上拍,估价1,500万至2,000万英镑毕加索为爱人绘画的单色肖像画首度登上拍场,曾属艺术家遗产估价1,000万至1,500万英镑3月2日 隆重上拍伦敦苏富比 现代及当代艺术晚间拍卖会2月8至9日 香港展出香港苏富比艺术空间(需预约)苏富比再次于香港率先揭幕多位西方艺术大师的重要作品,为此我们感到非常振奋。时间证明亚洲买家对毕加索与莫奈的市场发展功不可没,我们深信这些非凡的作品将会引起亚洲藏家与艺术爱好者的强烈反响。- 香港预展率先曝光 -莫奈《睡莲》估价:15,000,000 至 20,000,000 英镑《睡莲》顾名思义,是克劳德 · 莫奈(Claude Monet)以吉维尼花园的睡莲为主题的经典作品,创作于1914至1917年间,而本作无疑是莫奈睡莲系列中闪耀夺目之作。这个开拓性的系列体现了莫奈的最高成就,见证他攀升到造诣顶峰,到达真正意义上的抽象主义。本作充满表现力、而且创作于更后期,巨幅的尺寸完美地概括了艺术家的视野。本作上一次拍卖要追溯到1978年;而自从1995年在日本三大博物馆巡展后,再没有公开展出过。本次受日本私人收藏委托上拍,难能可贵。毕加索《托腮女子半身像》估价:10,000,000至 15,000,000英镑毕加索(Pablo Picasso)生命中的女人可谓其创作天赋的支点—她们对他的创作与思考过程至关重要。《托腮女子半身像》作于1938年12月31日,呈现了他与缪斯女神玛莉·德雷莎·沃尔特(Marie-Thérèse Walter)变化中的关系,当时他表面上仍忠于前者,实质却日益移情新欢朵拉·玛尔(Dora Maar)。毕卡索刻意混合两个女人的特征,创造出一种广泛歌颂爱情与想象力的的图景。这幅作品采用灰色调,单色简约优雅。毕加索一直钟爱单色绘画技法,比本作早一年诞生的《格尔尼卡》堪称经典。相比之下,本作更强调坐者的的模糊形象,让画中人的身份扑朔迷离,勾起观者猜想。艺术家的单色艺术视角于2012至2013年在纽约古根海姆博物馆展览「毕加索:黑与白」中得以集中呈现,本作也是当年展品之一。同场精彩拍品梵高《普罗旺斯的田园牧歌—一对恋人》估价:7,000,000至 10,000,000英镑同场于香港展出的还有文森 ·梵高(Vincent van Gogh)的作品《普罗旺斯的田园牧歌—一对恋人》(估价700万至1,000万英镑),作于1888年3月,即梵高到达阿尔勒(Arles)后的一个月。作品描绘了一对亲密爱侣漫步于河畔,色彩鲜明。作品的色调展现出艺术家受南法光线特质影响,也同时反映出他对浮世绘的迷恋。作品标题中的「eglogue」一词指牧歌,源自古罗马诗人维吉尔使用的古典形式,其中的人物充当了永恒爱情的象征。五幅莫奈经典作品,总估价约3,500万英镑除上述介绍的《睡莲》以外,本季伦敦晚拍同时呈献莫奈的五幅佳作,创作于其绘画生涯中风格形成的十五年中,展现他从表现主义画家到抽象表现主义之父的转变。作品包括花团锦簇的菊花图,预示莫奈后期着名的睡莲画作,也反映画家对日本的迷恋;再到绘画得得疏松有致的谷堆杰作,以及绘于不同季节和天气状况下的风景画。全部作品均创作于1900年前,精炼地展现莫奈的现代精神对后世艺术家和艺术风潮的深远影响。这五幅作品总估价约3,500万英镑。雷内马格利特《光之帝国》估价超过6,000万美元雷内‧马格利特(Rene Magritte)的《光之帝国》是私人收藏的现代艺术中最令人心往神驰的作品之一,也是超现实主义艺术中一幅精彩绝伦的典范之作,画作捕捉的视觉悖论,正是构成马格利特原创色彩的一大关键。1961年,艺术家特意为安玛莉‧吉利翁‧库维(Anne-Marie Gillion Crowet)女男爵创作这一幅具高辨识度的画作,而安玛莉是比利时知名超现实主义收藏家兼马格利特的赞助人皮耶‧库维(Pierre Crowet)的女儿,自画作完成后,一直由库维家族珍藏。安玛莉是马格利特的审美理想的化身,而且似是冥冥中早有连系。这幅二十世纪杰作将作为苏富比现代及当代艺术晚间拍卖的一大亮点,估价超过6,000万美元。班克斯《女孩与气球》估价:2,000,000 至 3,000,000 英镑音乐界传奇罗比・威廉斯(Robbie Williams)所收藏的班克斯(Banksy)巨作亦将登上拍场。这些作品都是班克斯最为人熟悉的图像,其中焦点包括《恶搞油画(直升机)》(估价250万至350英镑),以及被誉为「英国最受欢迎的艺术品」的《女孩与气球》(估价200万至300万英镑)。《恶搞油画(直升机)》估价:2,500,000至3,500,000英镑这两幅班克斯杰作将首次现身拍卖场,领衔3月2日伦敦首场「NOW当代艺术晚间拍卖」。承2021年11月纽约苏富比首次举办的NOW当代艺术晚间拍卖取得白手套佳绩后,本次晚拍将呈献当代最具前瞻性的艺术家过去二十年的作品。

Monet's "water lily" series, one of the most famous images in the history of world art, reappeared after more than 40 years. It was commissioned by Japan's private collection and was valued at £ 15 million to £ 20 million. Picasso's monochrome portrait painted for his lover was on the set for the first time, The heritage of a former artist was valued at £ 10 million to £ 15 million. It was grandly auctioned at Sotheby's modern and Contemporary Art Evening auction in London on March 2. Sotheby's art space in Hong Kong was exhibited from February 8 to 9 (reservation required). Sotheby's took the lead in unveiling the important works of many Western art masters in Hong Kong again. We are very excited about this. Time has proved that Asian buyers have contributed to the market development of Picasso and Monet. We are convinced that these extraordinary works will arouse strong repercussions from Asian collectors and art lovers- Hong Kong Preview first exposed - Monet's "water lily" Valuation: 15000000 to 20000000 pounds. As the name suggests, water lily is a classic work by Claude Monet with the theme of water lilies in givini garden. It was created between 1914 and 1917, and this work is undoubtedly a dazzling work in Monet's water lily series. This pioneering series embodies Monet's highest achievement and witnessed him climb to the peak of his attainments and reach the real sense of abstractionism. This work is full of expressiveness and was created in a later stage. The huge size perfectly summarizes the artist's vision. The last auction of this work dates back to 1978; It has not been publicly exhibited since it toured the three major museums in Japan in 1995. This time, it was commissioned by the Japanese private collection to shoot, which is commendable. Valuation of Picasso's bust of a woman with gills: 10000000 to 15000000 pounds. The women in Pablo Picasso's life are the fulcrum of his creative talent - they are very important to his creative and thinking process. The bust of a woman with gills was made on December 31, 1938, showing his changing relationship with the Muse Marie th é R è se Walter. At that time, he was ostensibly loyal to the former, but increasingly empathetic with his new lover Dora Maar. Picasso deliberately mixed the characteristics of the two women to create a picture of widely praising love and imagination. This work adopts gray tone, monochrome, simple and elegant. Picasso has always loved monochrome painting techniques. Guernica, which was born a year earlier than this work, is a classic. In contrast, this work puts more emphasis on the vague image of the sitter, making the identity of the person in the painting confusing and arousing the viewer's conjecture. From 2012 to 2013, the monochrome artistic perspective of the artist was intensively presented in the exhibition "Picasso: black and white" at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. This work was also one of the exhibits of that year. Van Gogh's Pastoral of Provence - a pair of lovers, valued at £ 7000000 to £ 10000000, was also exhibited in Hong Kong. Vincent Van Gogh's Pastoral of Provence - a pair of lovers, valued at £ 7000000 to £ 10000000, was made in March 1888, one month after Van Gogh arrived in Arles. The work depicts a pair of close lovers walking along the river with bright colors. The tone of the work shows that the artist is influenced by the characteristics of light in South France, and also reflects his infatuation with ukiyo painting. The word "eglogue" in the title of the work refers to the pastoral, which originates from the classical form used by the ancient Roman poet Virgil, in which the characters act as a symbol of eternal love. Five of Monet's classic works, with a total valuation of about £ 35 million. In addition to the water lily introduced above, this season's London Evening shooting also presents Monet's five excellent works, which were created in the 15 years of style formation in his painting career, showing his transformation from an expressionist painter to the father of abstract expressionism. The works include chrysanthemums in clusters of flowers, which indicates Monet's famous water lily paintings in his later period, and also reflects the artist's infatuation with Japan; Then there are the masterpieces of gudui, which are loosely painted, and the landscape paintings painted in different seasons and weather conditions. All works were created before 1900, which concisely shows the far-reaching impact of Monet's modern spirit on later artists and art trends. The five works are valued at about £ 35 million. Rene Magritte's empire of light is valued at more than $60 million. Rene Magritte's empire of light is one of the most fascinating works of modern art in his private collection. It is also a wonderful model of surrealist art. The visual paradox captured in the painting is a key to Magritte's original color. In 1961, the artist specially created this highly recognizable painting for Baroness Anne Marie gillion crowet, the daughter of Pierre crowet, a well-known surrealist collector in Belgium and patron of Margaret. After the completion of her self painting, it has been collected by the kuwei family. Anne Marie is the embodiment of Margaret's aesthetic ideal, and it seems to have been connected for a long time. This masterpiece of the 20th century will be a highlight of Sotheby's evening auction of modern and contemporary art, valued at more than $60 million. Banksy's "girls and balloons" is estimated at £ 2000000 to £ 3000000, and Banksy's masterpiece collected by music legend Robbie Williams will also be on the set. These works are the most familiar images of banks, including "spoof oil painting (helicopter) (valued at £ 2.5 million to £ 350 million) and" girls and balloons "(valued at £ 2 million to £ 3 million), known as" Britain's most popular art ". The first auction of "helicopter art in London: 250000000" will be held from March 2. After the success of the now Contemporary Art Evening auction held by Sotheby's in New York for the first time in November 2021, this evening auction will present the works of the most forward-looking contemporary artists in the past two decades.
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