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令人心往神驰的私人收藏现代艺术杰作雷尼‧马格利特(Rene Magritte)《光之帝国》首度亮相伦敦苏富比1961年艺术家为安玛莉‧吉利翁‧库维(Anne-Marie Gillion Crowet)创作之经典作品安玛莉的容颜出现在多幅马格利特杰作中画成后一直由其家族珍藏至今估价逾6,000万美元的旷世巨作2022年3月隆重献拍雷尼‧马格利特(Rene Magritte)的《光之帝国》是私人收藏的现代艺术中最令人心往神驰的作品之一,也是超现实主义艺术中一幅精彩绝伦的典范之作,画作捕捉的视觉悖论,正是构成马格利特原创色彩的一大关键。1961年,艺术家特意为安玛莉‧吉利翁‧库维(Anne-Marie Gillion Crowet)女男爵创作这一幅具高辨识度的画作,而安玛莉是比利时知名超现实主义收藏家兼马格利特的赞助人皮耶‧库维(Pierre Crowet)的女儿,自画作完成后,一直由库维家族珍藏。安玛莉是马格利特的审美理想的化身,而且似是冥冥中早有连系。在两人真正见面之前,与安玛莉相似的形象曾多番出现在马格利特的作品中,故此,二人初见之时,艺术家对她说:《你看,我在认识你之前就已经在画你了。》自此,安玛莉成为了马格利特及其妻乔洁特(Georgette)的毕生挚友,她的脸容出现在马格利特多幅重要画作中。这幅二十世纪杰作将作为苏富比现代及当代艺术晚间拍卖的一大亮点,估价超过6,000万美元,将于3月2日在伦敦隆重上拍。雷尼‧马格利特(Rene Magritte)《光之帝国》估价逾6,000万美元《光之帝国》曾于布鲁塞尔、罗马、巴黎、维也纳、米兰、首尔、爱丁堡及三藩市等地展出,在2009至2020年间借予布鲁塞尔马格利特博物馆举行展览,当时与《光之帝国》同场展出的作品全是马格利特的顶尖杰作。在今次拍卖之前,本作将在洛杉矶、香港、纽约和伦敦的苏富比艺术空间公开展出。"《光之帝国》是20世纪艺术中的杰作,将日常最基本的两种元素——白昼与黑夜——结合在一幅画面上,矛盾诡秘。画作尺幅宏大,充满电影感,引领观者遁入马格利特的永恒世界。画作呈现的图像直接凝练而蕴藏慑人力量,充分阐明了马格利特的「明星气质」,可见他作为市场上最受欢迎的艺术家,其地位不曾动摇。我们十分高兴能于新一年,在伦敦呈献这幅精彩绝伦的作品,它标志着艺术家和全球艺术市场的重要里程碑。"苏富比欧洲区主席兼全球印象派及现代艺术主管Helena Newman安玛莉‧吉利翁‧库维与马格利特安玛莉在16岁那年,邀请马格利特为她绘画肖像画,其时两人初次见面,马格利特一眼就认出安玛莉是他想象中的缪斯女神。随后数年,她的脸容继续出现在马格利特的主要作品中,此时马格利特终于知道她的名字。自初遇后,两人惺惺相惜,关系密切,马格利特常常会邮寄一些小画作给她,或者跟她分享自己最新的作品,甚或在一些特别场合,例如安玛莉女儿出生的日子,特意为她创作。安玛莉会陪伴艺术家在他最喜欢的小餐馆下棋,也会和他一家观看查理‧卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)和巴斯特‧基顿(Buster Keaton)的电影,她可以说是常伴在马格利特身边的知心好友。雷内·马格利特,《安玛莉》或《战斗》,私人收藏。安玛莉和丈夫罗兰是比利时文化界的重量级人物,他们慷慨捐赠了一批新艺术风格的作品予比利时皇家美术博物馆,藏品占据博物馆一整层,可见其数量之丰富。光的国度1948年,马格利特着手创作以此为主题的首幅作品。作品甫面世,随即受到公众和藏家的一致好评,而该版本最终为纳尔逊‧洛克菲勒购得。作品的成功令艺术家念念不忘,在往后十多年间屡次回归这个主题,而且每次都一丝不苟地重新想象,令构图更丰富。由此诞生的十七幅名为《光之帝国》的油画,是马格利特唯一一次尝试以「系列」模式创作。这些作品随时间而各有不同,却又互相呼应,就如文森‧梵高的星夜和克劳德‧莫奈的睡莲一样。《光之帝国》系列广受观众及藏家欢迎,当中第一代作品由尼尔逊‧洛克菲勒(Nelson Rockefeller)收藏,其他作品现藏于威尼斯佩姬‧古根海姆美术馆(Peggy Guggenheim Collection)、纽约现代艺术博物馆、休士顿梅尼尔美术馆(The Menil Collection),以及比利时皇家美术博物馆。本次上拍拍品为横向作品中尺幅最大(114.5 x 146公分)。本作的主题可能是受到安德烈‧布勒东(André Breton)的诗作《L’Aigrette》所启发,马格利特对这首诗了如指掌,诗歌的首句是:「Si seulement ilfaisait du soleil cette nuit」(「但愿太阳今晚会出来」)。在乌灯黑火的街道之上,竟是蔚蓝明亮的天空,如此不可思议的组合是马格利特典型的超现实主义意象——当中两个看似不相容的事物并置一个画面上,形成「虚假的现实」。画作描绘的近郊环境易于识别,就是布鲁塞尔约萨帕特公园附近一条宁静的街道,艺术家于1954年搬到此处。超现实主义艺术与电影制作有着密不可分的关系,而这幅壮丽奇诡的图像也许是马格利特所有作品中最具电影感的。本画更是1973年金球奖得奖经典电影《驱魔人》其中一幕的灵感泉源,足证其迷人魔力。拍卖详情伦敦苏富比 现当代艺术晚拍3月2日 晚上7时(北京时间 3月3日 凌晨3时)香港预展2月8日至9日香港苏富比艺术空间

The fascinating private collection of modern art masterpiece Rene Magritte "empire of light" debuted at Sotheby's in London. In 1961, the artist was Anne Marie gillion crowet Anne Magritte's empire of light, a masterpiece that has been treasured by her family and valued at more than $60 million since her appearance was painted in many Magritte masterpieces, was grandly presented in March 2022. It is one of the most fascinating works of modern art in private collection and a wonderful model of surrealist art, The visual paradox captured by paintings is a key to Margaret's original color. In 1961, the artist specially created this highly recognizable painting for Baroness Anne Marie gillion crowet, the daughter of Pierre crowet, a well-known surrealist collector in Belgium and patron of Margaret. After the completion of her self painting, it has been collected by the kuwei family. Anne Marie is the embodiment of Margaret's aesthetic ideal, and it seems to have been connected for a long time. When I first saw Marie, I said that she was similar to you when I first saw her Since then, Anne Marie has become a lifelong friend of Margaret and her wife georgette. Her face appears in many of Margaret's important paintings. This masterpiece of the 20th century will be a highlight of Sotheby's evening auction of modern and contemporary art, valued at more than $60 million, and will be grandly auctioned in London on March 2. Rene Magritte's empire of light, valued at more than $60 million, was exhibited in Brussels, Rome, Paris, Vienna, Milan, Seoul, Edinburgh and San Francisco. It was lent to the Magritte Museum in Brussels for exhibition from 2009 to 2020. At that time, all the works on display with the Empire of light were Magritte's top masterpieces. Prior to this auction, the work will be publicly exhibited at Sotheby's art spaces in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, New York and London. "Empire of light is a masterpiece of 20th century art, which combines the two most basic elements of daily life - day and night - in a picture with contradictions and mysteries. The painting is large in size and full of cinematic sense, leading the viewer to escape into Margaret's eternal world. The images presented in the painting are direct and concise, and contain frightening power, which fully illustrates Margaret's" star temperament " It can be seen that his position as the most popular artist in the market has never wavered. We are very happy to present this wonderful work in London in the new year, which marks an important milestone for artists and the global art market. "Helena Newman, President of Sotheby's Europe and director of global Impressionism and modern art, and Margaret Ann Marie invited Margaret to paint a portrait of her when they were 16. When they first met, Margaret recognized Anne Marie as his imaginary muse. In subsequent years, her face continued to appear in Margaret's main works, and Margaret finally knew her name. Since the first meeting, the two have a close relationship. Margaret often sends some small paintings to her, or shares her latest works with her, or even creates them for Anne Marie on special occasions, such as the date of her daughter's birth. Ann Marie will accompany the artist to play chess in his favorite small restaurant. She will also watch Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton movies with his family. She can be said to be a close friend who often accompanies Margaret. Rene Margaret, Anne Marie or battle, private collection. Anne Marie and her husband Roland are heavyweights in Belgian cultural circles. They generously donated a number of works of new art style to the Royal Belgian Art Museum. The collection occupies the whole floor of the museum, which shows the richness of their number. In 1948, Margaret began to create his first work on this theme. As soon as the work was published, it was highly praised by the public and collectors, and the version was finally purchased by Nelson Rockefeller. The success of the work has kept the artist in mind. In the next ten years, he has repeatedly returned to this theme, and meticulously re imagined each time, making the composition richer. The resulting 17 oil paintings, called the Empire of light, were Margaret's only attempt to create in a "series" mode. These works vary over time, but they echo each other, just like Vincent Van Gogh's starry night and Claude Monet's water lilies. The Empire of light series is popular with audiences and collectors. The first generation of works is collected by Nelson Rockefeller. Other works are now collected in the Peggy Guggenheim collection in Venice, the Museum of modern art in New York, the Menil collection in Houston, and the Royal Museum of art in Belgium. The last shot is horizontal, with the largest scale (114.5 x 146 cm). The theme of this work may be inspired by Andre Breton's poem l'aigrette, which Margaret knows like the back of his hand. The first sentence of the poem is: "Si Seulement ilfaisait du Soleil cette nuit". On the dark streets, there is a blue and bright sky. Such an incredible combination is Margaret's typical surrealist image - in which two seemingly incompatible things are juxtaposed on a picture to form a "false reality". The suburban environment depicted in the painting is easy to identify. It is a quiet street near josapat Park in Brussels, where the artist moved in 1954. Surrealist art is closely related to film production, and this magnificent and strange image is perhaps the most cinematic of all Margaret's works. This painting is the inspiration source of one scene of the classic film Exorcist, which won the Golden Globe Award in 1973, which fully proves its charming magic. Auction details: London Sotheby's modern and contemporary art late auction at 7 p.m. on March 2 (3 a.m. Beijing time on March 3) Hong Kong Preview of Hong Kong Sotheby's art space from February 8 to 9
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